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 CLOCKS in interiors of public services

Tower clocks

Interior clocks

Souvenir clocks

71-023 Szczecin, Poland
ul. Chobolańska 57
tel. +48 601 725955
fax +48 91 4871836

REK firm offers You clockworks and clocs synchronized by radio broadcast with atomic time pattern. Clocks are supported by mechanical construction controlled by specialistic computer. Electronic secures parameters unattainable in mechanic clockworks. Construction of our clocks is based upon the latest technologies and thus they don't need service.

Editorial office of "Dialog" in Wrocław
DCF clock made to order.

Conference room of Town Council in 71-023 Szczecin.
Wysmakowany zegar DCF wykonany na zamówienie.

Conference room of Town Council in Goleniów.
Standardquartz clock with diameter about. 75 cm is several times cheaper.

Diameter of smallest DCF clock keeps within 40 cm.