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 CONTACT US – inquiry


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Order sheet

71-023 Szczecin, Poland
ul. Chobolańska 57
tel. +48 601 725955
fax +48 91 4871836

You're welcome to order products and services You are interested in.
You should fill in order sheet and send it to us by fax or e-mail.
If You would fill inquiry in, it would help us better define your needs, choose better mechanism, materials and necessary tools and equipment. Also it would be helpful in precise cost calculation.

Full name of firm

Postal code 


Street (& house number)

Phone number

Fax number

Are You interested in buying/leasing of a clock synchronized with atomic mother-clock?
Yes and we will consider any offer on the spot.
Yes, but not durig this year.
We cannot give you reply, because we don't know anything about clock synchronized with atomic mother-clock.
Our clock is good enought and we don't plan to modernize it.
We are not interested because the lock of founds.

Place of clock installing
Wall thickniss:
Amount of faces:  
Heigh on which clock should be installed: 
Lenght of minute-hand:
Diameter of clock-face:
Is there any high voltage (220V) plug-in?
        yes       no       I don't know

Exploatation of existing clock
Condition of existing clockwork:
Condition of clock faces and hands:
Is there any acces to clocs hands from inside of the disc?
        yes       no       I don't know

How often clock must be set? 

How often does clock need to be repaired (it breaks)? 

Average cost of repair:

Estimated yearly working cost:

Name and Surname (neccesary)


